Dharmalaya Institute's Internship in
Permaculture & organic Gardening
The Internship in Permaculture & Organic Gardening (IPOG) at Dharmalaya Institute is a residential service-learning and on-the-job-training programme for people interested in how to achieve harmonious relationships between the built environment (shelter), the cultivated environment (gardens/farms/orchards), and the natural environment. The internship explores both the theory and practice of permaculture, including the social and personal aspects as well as the ecological.
Dates: Varies (see below)
Duration: 6 months minimum commitment
Location: Dharmalaya Institute, Bir, India
Course type: Internship & Apprenticeship
Prerequisites required? Yes, see below
Who is this internship for?
The Internship in Permaculture & Organic Gardening is open to anyone, regardless of background or experience, who has a strong wish to deepen their practical and theoretical understanding of permaculture concepts and practice and organic food-growing by making a serious commitment to a rigourous programme of hands-on work and experiential learning in a real-world environment. Interns will be selected through an application process to help us identify the applicants best matched with the programme.
What is permaculture?
The world ‘permaculture’ is a relatively new term that brings together some of our world’s oldest and most time-tested ideas about sensible and sustainable ways to design and manage human habitats in harmony with nature.
The permaculture approach seeks to understand the interconnectedness of everyone and everything in nature, all as living systems within larger living systems, and to design our homes, our gardens, our communities and ourselves accordingly, to support optimum flourishing of people and the planet with minimum use of resources.
Some people think of permaculture as an advanced approach to natural food-growing — and it is that, to be sure, but it is also so much more.
Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless labour; and of looking at plants and animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single product system."
— Bill Mollison
In short, to explore permaculture is to explore insightful and creative solutions for greater health, ecological sensitivity, and harmony between all living things.
About the permaculture internship
Through the Internship in Permaculture & Organic Gardening, interns have the opportunity to gain practical experience working with experienced permaculturalists, gardeners, landscapers, and natural builders at Dharmalaya Institute. Interns will also explore the philosophical foundations of permaculture, and of sustainable and compassionate living more generally, including the development of the whole person through self-awareness, contemplation, meditation, yoga, sustainable living habits, ethical and responsible work practices, etc.
Prospective interns should note that Dharmalaya Institute is in a remote rural area, far from both the pollution and the comforts of city life. Living at Dharmalaya Institute, with its ashram-style, community-oriented, work-focused environment, is very different to what most city-dwellers might have experienced — and, if you are open-minded, open-hearted, and hardworking, it might just be life-changing for you in very positive ways.
The internship consists of several brief, intensive training workshops followed by extended practice periods. Both are necessary and equally important. The intensive training workshops provide both theory instruction and, more importantly, guidance from skilled practitioners in how to do the actual work of permaculture and organic gardening. The purpose of the extended practice periods is to provide the opportunity to deepen one’s understanding and refine one’s skills through hands-on work in a real-world environment. (Note that this includes hard physical work.)
The intensive trainings happen during workshops that are usually 10 to 21 days in duration. All interns must complete at least two of these training workshops in order to satisfy the requirements of the Internship: one either before the start of their internship or at the start of it*; and the other at any point during the remainder of their internship. Additionally, interns will need to complete a total of at least six months of work on campus to satisfy the requirements of the internship.
(*In certain cases, with advance permission, some interns may be able to start their internship at the same time as they begin their first workshop. See below.)
Observation of nature: Learning to see nature more closely, in greater detail, and to recognize nature’s patterns
Introduction to the main principles of permaculture: natural systems, ecological and regenerative design, watersheds and water management, sustainable architecture and food-growing, efficient management of resources (stacking functions, etc.), and more
Hands-on training in organic gardening: creating a new garden bed, building a healthy soil, planting, mulching, watering, composting, traditional and modern practices, etc.
Introduction to garden design: siting a garden bed, companion planting, understanding a garden as a system within a system, good drainage, etc.
Applicants for the Internship in Permaculture & Organic Gardening should meet the following minimum requirements:
Academics: There are no firm academic requirements for the IPOG, but interns will get more out of the programme if they have experience with philosophical inquiry.
Language: Interns must be able to understand spoken and written English (ideally with fluency). Basic Hindi is also recommended though not absolutely necessary.
Time: Interns must commit to a minimum of six months doing full-time work and study in the programme. Longer commitments of 9-12 months or more are much preferred.. If you are interested in a shorter experience, we recommend you consider one of the Dharmalaya Institute’s intensive training workshops followed by a period of volunteering at Dharmalaya to gain greater depth of understanding and proficiency.
Training: Applicants for the IPOG who live in India must have completed at least one of Dharmalaya Institute’s intensive training workshops in permaculture, natural building, sustainable living, or compassionate living (or an equivalent programme) before formal acceptance into the Internship.
Campus life and the experience of living in community
Most of our past long-term participants tell us that experience of being a part of the Dharmalaya community, living and working together, is one of the best parts of the experience for them. We emphasize a culture of kindness and cooperation rather than selfishness and competition, and it’s great to live with kindred spirits in that kind of environment.
But, to be sure, this is also one of the most challenging aspects of a residential programme, because when we live together closely with other people for a long time, eventually challenges come up. This is actually a really great and precious thing if one embraces these experiences with a humble and sincere attitude, looking honestly at ourselves, wanting to learn and grow (instead of just wanting to be ‘right’). Dharmalaya maintains an environment in which everyone is supported to learn and grow in this way, and this kind of learning truly changes lives for the better, because few lessons are more valuable than those that help us understand ourselves and others better and learn to relate with others more sensitively and skilfully.
So one thing to understand is that learning to be a healthy part of a healthy community is one of the most important aspects of all of our residential programmes — and of compassionate living more generally — so that kind of inner work and social evolution should be something that appeals to you strongly if you’re thinking of applying for this programme. We’ll be spending a lot of time talking about it and asking you to self-reflect, journal, and share with others about your experiences, which benefits everyone.
The IPOG also may include opporutnities to learn with other members of Dharmalaya Institute’s faculty and staff, including:
Mark Moore, Founding Director of the Dharmalaya Institute; designer, educator, and artist
Daphne Charles, holistic architect and yoga teacher
The local village staff of Dharmalaya Institute

Interns accepted to the programme will be expected to keep the following commitments:
Working in a focused and diligent way, eight hours per day, six days per week. This includes doing a significant amount of repetitive physical labour, so that every part of the work will be understood experientially (you can’t really understand a technique until you’ve done it yourself repeatedly and become good at it). We strongly recommend you exercise regularly before starting your internship so that you arrive in good physical shape, because you’ll be working hard.
Maintaining professional behaviour and positive attitude at all times — even when not on campus, so as to uphold the reputation of the Institute while out in the surrounding community. This is critically important as you will be viewed by locals as a representative of Dharmalaya, so exemplary behavior at all times is required.
Applying yourself sincerely, doing what is asked of you as well as whatever you see needs doing, and making best efforts to achieve not only competence but also excellence.
Taking on responsibility to help with various logistical and project management tasks related to the permaculture/garden/building projects and other aspects of the operations of the Institute.
Carrying your own weight (and a little extra): e.g. cleaning up after yourself, cheerfully contributing your fair share (and a little more) to community chores, dishwashing, upkeep, etc.
Participating fully in the communal activities at Dharmalaya Institute (or whatever your host location may be), e.g. meals, discussions, etc.
Treating everyone around you with respect and kindness, including your fellow interns, hosts, labourers, students, volunteers, visitors, etc.
Respecting the principles and policies of Dharmalaya Institute and the requests of the Dharmalaya faculty and management at all times. Note that there is a strict no-drug and no-alcohol policy, and any violation (not only on campus but also in the surrounding area) would result in being immediately expelled from the Internship (without any refund or other compensation) and banned from the Institute.
Keeping yourself informed about the programme calendar for the internship and making your travel arrangements accordingly. If you have any schedule conflicts, discuss them with the Dharmalaya faculty far in advance in order to try to work out a mutually-agreeable solution. (Long-term interns will have the option to take a two-week break after every three months, subject to approval of the dates by the faculty, but all interns are expected to participate fully while residing at Dharmalaya Institute.)
Communicating clearly when you have any questions, needs, concerns, health issues, etc.
Providing feedback on the programmes and your experiences when requested.
Refraining from taking on other projects (paid or unpaid) while participating in the Internship (unless discuss this with the faculty and reach an agreement about it).
Additionally, long-term interns may be required to do an independent or group project, such as a research paper, a hands-on building or design project, etc., depending on the needs on site at the time.
All interns must participate in an evaluation process, which includes detailed self-evaluations, programme evaluations, and performance reviews.
Please understand that the internship takes place in a real-world context, in which the highest priority is the successful completion of the objectives of the Dharmalaya Institute, not the individual preferences of interns, and thus interns are expected to contribute to the smooth functioning of the Institute’s work and activities (just as would be the case if you were working professionally for an architecture firm) and not to disrupt or distract from those activities.
We want you to have the best educational experience possible in the circumstances, and to that end your communication and feedback is very important. Whenever there might be anything we could do to support your personal aspirations and experience, please do let us know.
What interns should not expect
Everyone is happier when expectations are realistic. To support all prospective interns to have clear and realistic expectations about the Internship, we bring the following points your attention:
Do not expect a holiday in the mountains. You will be working very hard — maybe harder than you’ve ever worked before. The Internship is designed for people who really want to put in the effort to get the most from the experience that they can — and also give as much as they can. During the workshops and practicum periods, you won’t have time to explore the area, go trekking, etc. (If you want to plan a trek or other such experience, you could do so after the end of your Internship.)
Do not expect to do much design work. The focus of the Internship is on learning by doing physical work on site.
Do not expect to be sitting at a desk or using a computer or other digital devices. Our interns spend most of their time outside, doing actual work on site with their own hands. You’re welcome to bring a laptop or tablet if you wish, but it isn’t required and you probably won’t be using it much, as we design primarily on paper and in situ. In fact, Dharmalaya Institute strongly encourages digital detox and expects participants to be present with the people and activities here rather than preoccupied with digital devices.
Do not expect to stand back and watch others do the work, or to have someone else do it for you. All interns work full-time with their own hands, and likewise everyone participates in the cooking, cleaning, and other tasks related to keeping the community running smoothly.
Do not expect to do work only related to gardening. Though you’ll certainly do a lot of hands-on gardening and landscaping, you also will spend a significant amount of time learning and practicing a broad range of activities related to sustainable living, all of which are part of the permaculture model, as well as orienting and training your juniors. This is a great opportunity for those interested in gaining diverse experiences, but if you aren’t excited about this then it’s probably better for you to apply elsewhere because it’s a significant and important part of the holistic Internship experience here.
Do not expect to have a lot of personal or socializing time. We tend to stay quite busy here, and most of the socialization happens at mealtimes. You will have a little bit of personal time most evenings (except during workshops), but some evenings there will be group activities (e.g. presentations, discussions, special projects, meditation sessions, etc.). In short, be mentally prepared for most days to be pretty full.
Most importantly, do not expect to be unchanged by the Internship. If you were to leave as the same person you were when you arrived, then both you and we would have failed. The purpose of the Internship is to catalyze profound change and empowerment. The ideal intern in this programme is someone who strongly wants that kind of deep and holistic transformation.
Important notes
1. The Internship is a serious commitment. If you think the internship programme might be too demanding for you (or if its sessions don’t fit with your schedule), then you might consider completing one of Dharmalaya Institute’s intensive training workshops and then applying for a volunteer position at Dharmalaya instead of a formal internship.
2. The internship is subject to termination at any time if an intern does not keep his/her commitments to the programme (as outlined on this page), including carrying one’s own weight, participating fully in community activities, following all rules of the Institute and upholding its values, and being dependable in performing the required work (both on site and in community life) with a positive attitude and good results.
3. The internship is a non-commercial programme in which participants can gain valuable training, experience, and guidance in exchange for working hard and doing your best to make valuable contributions to the work conducted by the Dharmalaya Institute and its partners. Work done by interns is on a voluntary basis (unpaid), and you will pay all necessary expenses (as outlined below).
Apply for the Internship Programme
Enrolment in the internship programme is subject to a four-part application process: written applications, personal interview, and training workshop.
Study the following pages of our website carefully before proceeding with your application :
Read the Introduction to Internships at Dharmalaya Institute.
Read the entire description of this internship (this page you’re reading now).
Apply for one of Dharmalaya Institute’s workshops and mention your interest in the IPOG.
Submit your Internship Application Form either before, during or after your first wokshop:
Interview with faculty (online, or in person if present on campus).
Complete your first training workshop at Dharmalaya Institute.
After your interview and your first training workshop, we will be able to give you a final decision about whether you are accepted into the Internship.
Note : The workshop is the most important part of the application process. In most cases* we cannot make a decision about an applicant’s acceptance to the Internship until you have completed your first workshop. Applicants who have not completed a training workshop should not assume they will be accepted to the Internship.
*Note for international applicants: There is an exception for qualifying applicants who reside outside India. If your international travel plans depend on whether you are accepted to the Internship, then in lieu of completing a workshop prior to acceptance, we can conduct an extensive interview via video call(s) so that you can receive confirmation of acceptance before booking your travel.